Remote Learning & COVID-19 Response

The health and well-being of our pupils, guardians, staff, volunteers and the overall community is our highest concern. We want to extend our sincere gratitude to our parents, pupils, staff and volunteers who in following our Pandemic Response Protocol came together to ensure that the well being of all remained at the forefront.

As per our response protocols, we suspended academic operations at all seven campuses across Kenya with teaching staff allowed to work remotely from their homes or from their respective school.

Remote Teaching and Learning (RTL) at our Kenyan campuses began on Monday, 16th March 2020. Braeburn was able to resume in-campus learning for the latter part of Term 1 and Term 2 2020-21. We started off Term 3 with RTL, but are very pleased to resume in-person learning starting 10th May 2021; in accordance with national government directives.

Braeburn's Senior Management and Leadership Team developed further improvements to virtual online learning based on parent and pupil-teacher feedback, in preparation for the new 2020-21 academic year.

The Braeburn Board of Directors and Senior Management Team, also realise the reality that a period of significant financial hardship commenced with the global outbreak of COVID-19 for many in our Braeburn community, including Braeburn parents. In response, bold steps to support our parents with fee reductions and more favourable payment conditions are in place for upcoming terms.

During Periods of Remote Teaching and Learning

Communication Channels

Braeburn will provide continuous updates regarding RTL, protocols, term dates and other school functions.

All official communication will be via usual channels - email, school website, SMS and school app. Braeburn parents are also encouraged to communicate via email regarding any concerns or challenges they or their children are facing.

Learning Systems and Resources

Pupils are registered on e-learning platforms that provide access to learning objectives, material and assignments. Pupils are encouraged to use these to communicate with teachers - ask questions and mention any challenges they are facing.

At Braeburn, we realise that RTL is more than communicating with teachers, accessing learning resources and submitting assignments. To promote the well-being of our pupils, especially during this period of social distancing, safe and monitored virtual interactive classes incorporating video and audio will be featured for some lessons during the week. We hope these virtual interactive classes will allow pupils to interact and catch up with their classmates and friends.

Online Safety

Increase in remote learning and working from home also increases the need for both parents and pupils to be safe online. Braeburn will be communicating on how both you and your children can stay online.

Guidelines for Parents and Guardians

We have compiled a list of guidelines on how parents can assist their children with remote teaching and learning.

  1. Assist with providing required resources for online learning - regular access to a laptop/desktop computer (if a dedicated device is not possible), stationery etc;
  2. Assign a location where your child will work - ideally a quiet, non-distracting area and where you can supervise them accordingly. For online safety reasons, avoid your child working or using online services in their bedroom or other unsupervised areas;
  3. Ensure you are receiving regular communication regarding online learning schedules, lesson objectives, attendance and assignment due dates etc.;
  4. Assist with structuring their day, online learning, assignments, assessments and following online safety guidelines which include behaving responsibly online;
  5. School members of staff, including teachers and headteachers, will generally be keeping standard office hours (8.00 am to 3.30 pm). The remaining time in the day will be review student assignments, plan for the next set of lessons, compile reports for the school senior leadership team and attend online meetings with other members of staff;
  6. Communicate with the school about any challenges - online learning, inability to attend or complete assignments due to any reason;
  7. Ensure that learning (and working) computing devices are running the latest software and have an up to date anti-virus program installed and running;
  8. Monitor screen time for your child. They will have more than the usual due to online learning, but ensure they are taking a break from screens;
  9. Be patient; this is all new to both your child(ren) and yourself;
  10. Be diligent - daily checking in with your child on their progress and challenges. Be supportive and encouraging; and
  11. If your child is unwell or unable to participate in online learning, parents should report to the school as they would any regular absence.
Cambridge International Examinations
Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music
Association of International Schools in Africa
Council of British International Schools (Compliance Member)
GL Education Assessment Excellence