Newsletter 9 - Term 2 2018-2019

23rd March 2019

We have come to the end of another busy but successful week. A lot of revision work has been going in preparation for the End of Term Tests next week. Students from Primary and High school will be having an opportunity to sit for some written tests as a way of assessing the learning that has been going on over the term. Time tables for the said tests have been issued. It is our hope that all students will be in next week to avoid rescheduling of tests.

Parents’ Forum

As calendared, this important meeting will be taking place tomorrow from 10.00am. This is a forum where you have the opportunity to draw the attention of the Senior Management Team to any concerns, suggestions or general comments relating to the school terms of facilities, security, resources and any other non –academic aspects of our school. A big thank you to all those who sent in the agenda items. 

Educational Trip

On Monday 18th March, an educational trip was arranged for KS3 & KS4 students to visit Pendeza Weaving Project Centre, Kang’o Ka Jaramogi Museum, all in Bondo County and Kicomi (1983) Ltd, in Kisumu City. Students were exposed to a variety of constructed textiles techniques such as embroidery, weaving and appliqué, and use of appropriate industry technology. In History the students learnt the challenges facing industry and eventual collapse of industries in Kenya (a case study of KICOMI). They got to experience and learn the struggle and contribution of Jaramogi Oginga Odinga toward Kenyan independence.   


Assembly Acknowledgements

Musical Presentations



Last week Saturday, our seniors took part in the Nyanza Secondary Schools swimming team selection that was held at Aga Khan Primary School. It is encouraging to report that BKIS is likely to have two swimmers represent the region in the Nationals to be held in Mombasa next Month. Congratulations to Cindy and Don. 


ABRSM Theory Exams

The much awaited certificates for the above exams finally arrived. It was once again a great opportunity to acknowledge the wonderful performance of the two students (Dhara and Maaya) who both got DISTINCTION grade.

Cambridge International Examinations
Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music
Association of International Schools in Africa
Council of British International Schools (Compliance Member)
GL Education Assessment Excellence