Newsletter 9 - Term 1 2019-2020

4th November 2019

It has been a very special week in BKIS as we got the opportunity to meet almost all parents for the termly Parent Teacher Consultations.  The meetings were very helpful as we appreciated the progress made by the learners as well as set the new targets going forward. For this, we say a big thank you to all the parents who attended the meetings for the support.


The 3rd BKIS ICT day was held yesterday under the theme of Embracing Green Technologies. The learners were excited to have their gadgets in school and engage in various activities. Of great interest was the QR code Scavenger treasure hunt around the school. The students were grouped and had the challenge of getting the answers to the questions that were to be revealed through the QR code reader in their gadgets.

BKIS Computing Week

There was also the class presentations where the students had the opportunity to showcase their ICT skills. It was amazing to see how much learning has taken place as below:

Class Presentation Title
Year 1 Computer and non-computer devices; How a bee-bot works
Year 2 Scratch Drum Kit
Year 3 Creating characters and background in scratch
Year 4 Word Documents/Posters
Year 5 Using Logo to create nested programs
Year 6 Using simulation to create greenhouse effect
Year 7 Excel Calculator Models.
Year 8 Collaborative Google Site website/Skit
Year 9 Game editor
Year 10 ICT and Environment
Year 11 Website Video

The climax of the day was the Inter-house Kahoot challenge where Tilapia and Perch put their best teams per classes and the results will be announced next week during the Friday assembly.

Extra Lessons for Year 11

Following the meeting of year 11 students and teachers last week, an agreement was reached on the need for extra lessons in some subjects as we get ready for the Mocks next term. The focus of these lessons are to be on addressing specific fears/challenges in those subjects. The good news is that they are nearly done with the syllabus coverage for each subject! For the schedule of these lessons to work, the students and teachers have had to sacrifice some of their clubs and after school sports. We wish them well in their preparation for the IGCSE.

Assembly Acknowledgements

Below are this week's assembly acknowledgements.

BKIS Assembly Acknowledgements
Cambridge International Examinations
Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music
Association of International Schools in Africa
Council of British International Schools (Compliance Member)
GL Education Assessment Excellence