Newsletter 8 - Term 2 2018-2019

16th March 2019

It has been a great week with great news to BKIS family. Toyota Kenya unveiled the Kenyan winners of the 13th edition of the Toyota Dream Car Art contest on 13th March 2018.  We are proud to announce that out of the 368 entries submitted from participants all over the country, 2 students from Braeburn Kisumu International School emerged among the best 9 in the contest. Both of the students' artworks revolved around the same theme; how to deal with the hyacinth menace in Lake Victoria. Dhara Shah's 'Hyacinth Recycler' emerged 2nd in the 8-11 years category while Arav Patel's 'Hyacinth Harvester' was 3rd in the Under 8 years category. Congratulations to the winners and a big thank you to Mr. Oketch for the guidance offered.




For the last two weeks BKIS students from Year 1 to Year 10 have been competing in Mathletics. It was a fun as well as a learning opportunity. Many pupils managed to get certificates which will be issued next week.

World Maths Day is the world’s largest online maths competition hosted on the Live Mathletics game engine, part of the award-winning resource, Mathletics, which is used by 4 million students worldwide. The event is open to schools with students aged 5-18 all around the world, to register for and participate in. Participating students earn points by answering as many correct questions as possible alongside other competing students of the same age and ability level. Each game on Live Mathletics runs for 60 seconds and students strike out of a game early if they answer 3 questions incorrectly. If the daily points total is high enough, one can appear on the Hall of Fame leader board that day!

This competition is now in Cool Down phase until Monday 18 March, students can continue to challenge other students around the world in Live Mathletics.


School Production

BKIS is gearing up to present Man of Steel an all-time popular school musical.


Get your seatbelts ready as this is an action-packed musical spoof, a parody of the most famous comic book Superman and a spectacular show of heroically super proportions! A comic musical that centres on the entertaining battle of our Super Hero Ken (and his Heroine Linda) triumphing over the evil Countess Olga and her motley Henchmen. If only he could get it right occasionally….why are tights so hard to wear... If only Rita and her fellow gossip ladies had super powers to fiercely protect and hide his human traits…….We can’t wait to stage it!

Rehearsals are on-going as we tirelessly work on our flight mode manoeuvres. We will step up rehearsal sessions next week as we polish our acts and singing prowess. Look out for more news on this.

 Science Fair 2019

As a way of show casing our passion for Science, BKIS students have been working on various amazing projects. The confidence and mastery of the concepts were displayed during the event. 


Assembly Acknowledgements

 Devane Tocho performed an excellent piece on the piano during our assembly in preparation for the Tea time concert next term.



Cambridge International Examinations
Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music
Association of International Schools in Africa
Council of British International Schools (Compliance Member)
GL Education Assessment Excellence