12th October 2019
It has been a successful first half of the term where the aspects of being SMART and COOL have been adequately displayed. As we proceed to the well-deserved Mid-Term Break, we wish everyone a truly relaxed one. In our assembly today, we brainstormed on the traits of a true successful learner as being:
These were inspired by the quotes of Eliud Kipchoge, the great marathoner, “There are no barriers when you believe in yourself and try to trust in what you are doing”. We wish him well in his attempt to run 42Km race under two hours tomorrow.
As part of the Science topic on the role of microbes and enzymes in food & beverage production in KS3 and Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering in KS4 Biology, the Science department organised an academic trip whose objective was to widen the learners’ understanding on the application of microbes and enzymes in the food and beverage industry as narrated by Mr. Ouya below:
“We visited United Millers Limited and Kibos Fresh Dairy Milk Limited companies and were guided through a thrilling learning experience on the practical industrial application of useful microbes. Mr. Kobus the bakery manager took us through the operation of their brand new state-of-the-art confectionery machine used to make mandazi bites as well as bread baking machinery and process. We learnt that the company mills their blended wheat flour which is then transferred to the mixer automatically through application of pressure. The students were shown yeast which is added to the wheat flour during the baking process. The role of yeast was emphasised as it respires to produce ethanol and carbon dioxide into the dough which is responsible for the texture and size of bread. The learners were taken through a step by step process of baking bread which includes automated mixing of the ingredients, rolling and cutting of the dough to size, oiling and eventual baking which takes place in ovens at temperatures about 900 C which ensures all the yeast is eventually dead and then through a cooling process and packaging.
We learnt that the firm uses technology that is environmentally friendly (green technology) as they use packaging materials that are biodegradable. At the end of the trip all the learners were given take-away gifts to which we were very grateful”.
The climax of the first half of the term will be the calendared Movie Night at Mega City today evening. All students are looking forward to this. The movie starts at 6: 30 pm.Charges are Ksh 400 for the front/lower seating and Ksh 600 for the upper area seating.
It has been a busy week for the Year 10 and 11 students sitting for their Mid-term tests. This is to help in the periodic assessment of mastery of concepts as they get ready for their IGCSE. After half term, the results shall be shared with them to help in gauging their progress.
Below are the acknowledgements for this week.