Newsletter 4 - Term 2 2018-2019

8th February 2019

The first half of the term has come to a successful end with notable achievements to be proud of. Our boys and girls have continued to apply the concept of growth mind-set in their learning which is very encouraging.

This has been a very special week in our calendar with BKIS joining the rest of the

world in marking Cancer Day. Through the guidance of the Student Council, the students raised some money by selling purple ribbons to help the young cancer patients at JOORH. We also had a wonderful presentation by one of our parents Dr. Okell captured below:


BKIS joined the rest of the World on Monday in celebrating the World Cancer Day. Students, teachers and parents joined hands in supporting this by buying purple ribbons to mark the day. The proceeds from the sale will be used by our Student Council members to purchase items for the childrens’ Cancer Center and Hospice at JOORTH Hopsital in Kisumu. We are grateful to each one of you who took part in this exercise  to support the cancer patients in Kisumu.


On the same day in the after noon, we had the priviledge of having one of our parents Mama (Aryanna Year 4 and Nathanniel FS 1 ) give us a talk on cancer, what it is and what we can do to prevent it.

We learnt that we need to eat healthy, do lots of phyisical exercises and take good care of our general health. We also learnt that it is better to seek medical attention  as soon as we feel unwell as some conditions can be cured at early stages. She taught us that there are 4 stages of cancer and that ther are so many types of cancers in the whole wide world. She encouraged us to support any family members or friends that we may know who are going through Cancer. Together we can do it!


It was amazing to see the interest of all students from FS2 to Year 10 engage her during the Q & A session. Thank you very Much Mama Aryanna for that informative session.


The students took part in the 25th Annual MSMUN Conference last week. This year’s theme was; TUJENGE PAMOJA. For the duration of the conference, delegates had to engage in various activities to showcase the theme. BKIS was representing Zambia in Human Rights (Diya), Ecology (Aiden), Technology (Maaya) and Health (Cindy) Committees. Our students had a chance to Lobby, Amend and debate resolutions which they had written last term. It entails rigorous research and diverse knowledge in over 100 countries. The objective of the club is to develop confidence of students by enriching skills in research, presentation, debating, lobbying, problem solving and diplomacy. It is no mean task interacting with over 800 peers for a week!

 Continuous Professional Development (CPD)

Braeburn continues to value the need of CPD to the teachers. A group of teachers were taken through a four day training program on Leading Learning from the Middle' course by Karen Ardley Associates.  BKIS was represented by Mr. Karanja who confirms that it was indeed an excellent course.


 Humanities Week

BKIS ended the first half of the term in a style by celebrating our diversity. Different nationalities were represented through in depth research and presentation focusing on fashion, famous people, food, flags and festivals by classes as listed below:




Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10

Exploring and learning about:





The Netherlands



United States of America

South Korea



 A big thank you to Ms. Isa who took us through a precise talk with the emphasis on the need to embrace our diversity.

 International Mindedness Talk

Having had wonderful presentations from our confident learners, our parents were treated to another informative talk on International Mindedness by Mr. Rob Williams. Thank you all, to the parents who made the talk possible.

Cambridge International Examinations
Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music
Association of International Schools in Africa
Council of British International Schools (Compliance Member)
GL Education Assessment Excellence