Newsletter 4 - Term 1 2018-2019

28th September 2018

It is always encouraging to see the commitment of students to the activities on offer at school. This week, our scouts showed great improvement in their drills and coordination as they led the whole school to the flag raising ceremony. Through recreation, Scouting achieves its purpose of helping young people develop physically, intellectually, and socially. Scouting is all about building confidence and self-esteem, learning important life skills and leadership skills, team building, outdoor adventures, education, and fun! And that is why at BKIS we consider it an important movement which helps in realising the vision of Braeburn Schools; Confident individuals, Responsible citizens and learners enjoying success.



 Going forward, we encourage all the Scouts to always be in their full uniform every Friday even as we realise the annual target of Team Excellence.

Braeburn Sports Festival

BKIS sent a team of eight students to be part of this great event involving representatives from all the Braeburn schools. The festival is aimed at pupils in Years 9 – 13.  It is used to promote some core values as captured in Olympic Games by the founder of the Modern Olympic Movement (Baron Pierre de Coubertin) and I quote, “The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle. The essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well.”


                                   Health and Safety

The Kisumu weather has changed and it is very hot during the day. To help us protect the students, we are requesting for them to have the following:

  • Water bottle which can be refilled in school
  • Sun hats to protect them for the heat.
  • Apply sunscreen   

The Braeburn Sunhats are available in school at Ksh.600.

Term Value: Co-operation

The aspect of cooperation as a value has been exercised in BKIS in many ways by understanding that it is:

  • Team work
  • Getting along with people even if you dislike them
  • Encouraging others to participate
  • Thinking before acting
  • When everyone has to be an active member of the team and do what they agree to do.

 As a team we continue to remind our students to always practice this value by:

  • Being good listeners
  • Distributing work evenly among team members
  • Encouraging each member to contribute their ideas
  • Treating each other with respect
  • Being open and receptive to new suggestions
  • Compromising to resolve difference

It is our hope that through these, we shall attain our annual target of Team Excellence.

NEW BKIS Members

This week, we officially welcome Abbi (Yr 1) and Resian (Crèche) into the BKIS family.

Cambridge International Examinations
Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music
Association of International Schools in Africa
Council of British International Schools (Compliance Member)
GL Education Assessment Excellence