Newsletter 3 - Term 2 2018-2019

3rd February 2019

It is amazing to see the students continue mentioning the aspects of growth mindset in their daily interactions. This is supported by various displays around the school on the same. In our today’s assembly, they reminded each other of the aspect of “change your words, change your Mindset”. It is encouraging to note that the students continue to:

  • View challenges as learning opportunities.
  • Know their learning styles and use the right learning strategies.
  • Focus on the process instead of the end result.
  • Cultivate a sense of purpose.
  • Know that need for improvement does not mean failure.


What a better way to end the week and to start the new month! The ROBS committee has slotted an exciting Meet and Greet session today in school from 5.00 pm as shown on the attached poster. All parents are invited.






There’s something about being able to recite a poem or a chunk of verse by heart. If we do this when we’re young these fragments tend to stay with us for life. Especially if they chime with us and reach into our mesh of inner meanings.


Last week we took some of our lovely children to The Inter School Verse Speaking contest held at Nairobi Academy. The competition was stiff: there was a whopping 60 participants but that didn’t deter us from doing our best. Most of our participants were new to the experience but they all admit that it was indeed a thrilling experience for them. They learnt a lot while in there. When asked if they would go a second time, all of them nodded in the affirmative.


They look forward to participating again next year!


This tournament took place on Saturday at Citam School - Kisumu. Aryanna Okell, Hawi Ryan and John Chenbang represented our school. We would like to thank the parents who attended the tournament to support students. Thank you for the team spirit. This was done in preparation for the upcoming National Chess Tournament (Kenya National Youth Chess and Cadet Regional championship) which will take place at Makini School (Kibos) Kisumu on 9th February 2019. All the students did their best and Chenbang was awarded a medal for position three out of 46 participants in his category.


Next week, we will be having Humanities Week and this year's theme is "Celebrating Diversity". All classes will explore different countries around the world and get familiar with different features, customs, and types of food, values, environments, climate and everything else our beautiful and diverse world has to offer! The classes will be exploring the following countries;




Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10

Exploring and learning about:





The Netherlands



United States of America

South Korea



We would like to welcome you all to join us on Friday (8th of February) after lunch, to celebrate our diverse and wonderful cultures! On this event, students, teachers and parents are expected to dress up in any cultural attire that represents a culture, tribe or country. The activities will include: food sampling, class presentations, a fashion walk and many more extraordinary events!


To make this event a marvelous success, we are requesting parents to help out by;

Preparing some small bitings from your culture which will be put up on display after lunch. (Kindly note that lunch will be as usual although we will be encouraging cultural foods as much as possible). After lunch, a cultural buffet will open where everyone will be able to sample bitings from different cultures/countries. Kindly add a note describing the ingredients and the origin as the food will be categorized per country.

Students and one of our parents will be presenting lovely speeches, dances and exhibitions from various cultures represented in our school. You cannot miss this!


..After the cultural day presentations on the Friday 8th, our parents will have a meeting in the Science lab facilitated by Mr. Rob Williams from 3:30pm. Already the teaching staff and high school students have had a session on this and I can promise you it is enriching. All are welcomed.

Assembly Presentations

We are back with our assembly music presentations. This week Dhara S. took us through a well mastered piece on the key board. Well done Dhara.



World Cancer Day.

BKIS will not be left behind in marking this important day on Monday 4th February 2019.The Student Council will be selling ribbons to students and parents at 100/= after which the collection will be taken to Cancer Hospice and Cancer Ward in JOORH; a small gesture to show the value of caring to the cancer patients. We also hope to have a small talk on cancer on that day.

Cambridge International Examinations
Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music
Association of International Schools in Africa
Council of British International Schools (Compliance Member)
GL Education Assessment Excellence