Newsletter 2 - Term 3 2018-2019

3rd May 2019

The second week has come to a successful end with the students displaying great understanding of the term values of Respect and Thoughtfulness. This was emphasized by the year 2 students in their assembly presentation as well. It was amazing to have the young ones remind the audience of the need to:

  • Show respect to everyone
  • Always use the magic words of “Thank You and Welcome”.
  • Be thoughtful of others feelings

Our seniors in year 10 also had a great assembly for the High School audience in which they discussed on how the aspects of Respect and Thoughtfulness lead to Happiness.



 In general, there was a consensus on the need for consideration of the important values which define an individual. As a school, the annual target of Team Excellence can only be achieved when it is supported by the said values.

Swim Team

The annual Inter-Braeburn Swimming Gala is taking place tomorrow at Braeside School Nairobi. Our BKIS team comprising of 22 swimmers are looking forward to a great performance tomorrow. It is our hope that with the practice and lessons offered, they are going to compete fairly well with their peers in Nairobi. In our assembly today, we wished the team well and assured them of our support. A big thank you to the parents we have travelled all the way to offer the much needed support. It is another great opportunity for exposure to competitive gala.



  Geography Inset

BKIS being part of the Kenya Association of International Schools is privileged to host a Geography Inset on Monday 6th from 8:30am. We are expecting over 15 teachers from other International School in Kenya. They shall be discussing matters Geography as part of the continuous professional development.

Year 9 IGCSE Syllabus

The year 9 have successfully started their IGCSE syllabus after completing their end of KS3 assessments. They have chosen the subjects they would like to study for the next two years as they get ready for the IGCSE of 2021.

School Photos  

As scheduled, this will take place next week on Wednesday and Thursday. This is an important event as photographs play an important role in everyone's life – good opportunity to keep memories of this year. There shall be sessions for teams, class, whole school as well as siblings photos to be taken. Previously we have extended the offer to families and I am sure the photographers would not mind it this time.

Year 2 and 6 Parents’ Meeting

This term, the year 2 and 6 will be having end of Key stage assessments in Mathematics and English. To enable adequate preparation for this, there shall be a meeting on Wednesday 8th from 3:30pm in the respective classes. It will be a great opportunity to discuss the general expectations as we approach the tests.


There shall be a ROBS meeting on Tuesday 7th from 3:30pm to discuss the Family Picnic on Saturday 11th as well as the planned event for this term. All parents are encouraged to attend.

Cambridge International Examinations
Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music
Association of International Schools in Africa
Council of British International Schools (Compliance Member)
GL Education Assessment Excellence