Newsletter 2- Term 1 2018-2019

10th September 2018

The second week has come to an exciting end with resumption of after school activities. Thank you to all parents who signed and handed the club forms. We are all set and enthusiastic about attending our favourite clubs! To make the realization of the clubs’ objectives, the students are expected to wear/bring the proper attire for specific clubs;

P.E. kit;


Art Shirt/Apron;


-Lawn Tennis







(Friday mornings)

-Tae Kwondo

-Swim Team Training


-Art & Design Technology

-Art Extravaganza

-Craft Junior

 Students were allowed to try out different clubs and change during the first 2 weeks of the term. Starting next week, the choices made will remain and are to run until the end of the term. If you have any questions or concerns about clubs, kindly feel free to speak to our Clubs’ Coordinator, Miss Donia.

Here is an impression of what B.K.I.S. offers during Clubs’ Time;





    Of course we offer many more clubs such as:



Toyota Dream Car Art Competition

As had been mentioned earlier, one of our own Dhara Shah represented Kenya in the global round in the U8 category in Japan. It is encouraging and exciting to announce that she won a silver medal! Congratulations Dhara and well done for flying the BKIS flag up high.




The movement is becoming bigger and popular. We appreciate their dedication each and every Friday as they lead the whole school in raising the flag .To make it even better, we are expecting the scouts to remember to be in their full uniform every Friday.

Last term, we had patrol leaders undergo some training at Braeburn Imani where they earned beautiful certificates as shown below:



 World First Aid Day

BKIS has not been left behind in marking this important day which is usually celebrated every second Saturday of September. This year’s theme is First response to Road Crashes. We had facilitators from Red Cross who took the students and teachers through the practical aspects of CPR.




Cambridge International Examinations
Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music
Association of International Schools in Africa
Council of British International Schools (Compliance Member)
GL Education Assessment Excellence