Newsletter 11 - Term 1 2018-2019

1st December 2018

Last Friday was the climax of the many rehearsals and practice by our young actors and actress from EYFS and KS1 when they finally staged their production, “Are We Nearly There Yet” at Simba club. The mastery of both music and the lines was just amazing! It indeed confirmed how BKIS students are Confident Individuals who enjoy success in their learning. The fantastic musical was well executed by the young learners as sampled below:


Clubs’ Assembly

Our emphasis in nurturing talents was witnessed today during the assembly. BKIS runs many clubs which in effect expose learners to different experiences for their holistic development. Through clubs, many life skills and values are imparted to the students which will eventually play a big role in ensuring that they are Responsible Citizens. This is well captured by the write up below from our club’s Coordinator; Ms. Donia:


“Learning is about so much more than just the academics. Here at BKIS, character matters and our total program is designed to inspire and encourage students to become their best selves. The development of good character lies at the heart of all that we do and this is more important than exam results. We strive to offer as many different clubs, sports and extra curriculum activities as possible and we try to accommodate the wishes and interests of our students.  Becoming a confident individual, a responsible citizen, a good friend, a true leader and a cooperative and resilient team member is not something you can learn from books; it's the life skills you need to practise and experience on a day to bay basis. At BKIS, we care about what and who you become”.


World Scholar’s Cup

The World Scholars Cup club members participated in the exhilarating Tournament of Champions which was held in Yale University – USA last week.  This was the meeting of the crème de la crème. It was without doubt a rigorous and invigorating competition. Debate topics included:


The UN should have more power to Veto national elections and - Black markets are now more important than ever- our students won the black market debate motion! Find out from them what they presented to convince the judge…Students also took part in Collaborative Writing Competitions, Scholars Bowl as well as Scholars Challenge. These sections do test your knowledge in the six subject’s studied.  That was not all, they got a chance to interact with top students from all over the world and got to pick their brains on various subjects.  Despite the extreme cold and sometimes snowing days, they got a chance to see Connecticut and a bit of Yale University. It was a life changing experience and they confess that they can’t wait to delve into next year’s theme – A world of Margins.

BKIS has Champions!

Cambridge International Examinations
Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music
Association of International Schools in Africa
Council of British International Schools (Compliance Member)
GL Education Assessment Excellence