Newsletter 10 - Term 1 2019-2020

16th November 2019

This week started with BKIS family joining the rest of the world in marking the Remembrance Day; a confirmation of International Mindedness. It was also a great way of recapping on the world History and getting to know that actually the World War one ended on the 11/11/1918 at 11:00 am! Thank you for participating in this by buying the Poppies.

Emergency Drills

Every term we carry out some basic emergency drills in the school with an aim of ensuring that students and staff are prepared to make their way to safety in the event of an emergency situation. This week on Wednesday, we had the Fire drill and I am pleased to mention that the students were quick to respond to the signal and assembled at the designated area in less than four minutes. We shall have the invacuation as well as duck and cover drills soon.

BKIS Emergency Drills

Entrepreneurship Club

This club has proved to be very active in its first term of existence in BKIS. The club members have been rallying the community in raising funds through simple activities such as bake sale, Ice-cream days among others. A big thank you to the parents who have acted as great sponsors of the club by donating considerable capital for the start. Last week, the club did a bake sale during break time and raised a total of Ksh.3,560.


Below is the report by Cindy and Nickson:
“Last week Wednesday (Week 11), Entrepreneurship club took over the job of selling break time snacks. It was a hectic experience but it taught us that running a busy business is not easy. Students were involved in the product making and product selling and this ensured low cost of production. Each student had their own station making it easier to sell goods and satisfy customers. Despite the disorderly queue, we still managed to sell everything”
End of Term Exams
It is that time of the term when end term assessments are done for students in Primary and High School. The timetables have been sent home with High School having had their first papers today. This was done to accommodate the students who will be going to Nairobi next week for the annual Braeburn Athletics at Kasarani.

Assembly Acknowledgments

Below are this week's assembly acknowledgements.

BKIS Assembly Acknowledgements
Cambridge International Examinations
Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music
Association of International Schools in Africa
Council of British International Schools (Compliance Member)
GL Education Assessment Excellence