3RD TERM Week 11 Newsletter

29th June 2018

The second last week of the term has come to a successful end with a colourful Graduation Ceremony of FS2 students and Prize Presentation for the FS1 and Crèche Classes. There are remarkable achievements posted by the EYFS students as they are now ready transit into their next classes. At BKIS, we deliver a broad balanced curriculum based on the Early Years Foundation Stage Development Matters with an aim of having confident and independent leaners. This was confirmed today in our assembly as each of the classes presented their pieces during the graduation ceremony. Well done to the EYFS team.




This week, primary pupils had an opportunity to learn more about road signs through practical application at the Children’s Traffic Park at the Jomo Kenyatta Sports Grounds. It was amazing to learn that nearly all BKIS students are confident cyclists with refreshed traffic rules knowledge! A big thank you to the parents for allowing us have this great experience through provision of the bicycles.



 Student Council Elections

It is that time of the year that election of the student council president for the next academic year is done! At BKIS we believe that it’s important for students to experience leadership opportunities during their schooling, to learn the art of building relationships within teams, defining identities and achieving tasks effectively. It also provides an opportunity to learn to identify and display effective communication and interpersonal skills. This exercise will take place next week on Monday 2nd July 2018 immediately after lunch. After successful vetting of the candidates, two were cleared to run for position of President and these are Vanessa Agatha and Don Okwaro. From their speeches during our assembly today, it is clear that any one of them will adequately serve the student body should they win the election. Best of luck to both of them.



 Transition Morning

As we get ready for the next academic year, the children are looking forward to their new classes in September. On Monday, the children will have an opportunity to visit the future classes and spend a half of the day with their next year’s teachers. It will be a great opportunity to get to know the expectations of the next class.

Prize Presentation

Our annual prize presentation will be held on the 4th of July (Next week Wednesday) from 2.00pm.  At BKIS we acknowledge progress made by each learner and also appreciate the effort displayed in various fields throughout the academic year bearing in mind that every student is a successful learner. All are welcome.

Fashion Show

There is no other better way to crown the academic year than with the fashion show. Our boys and girls have been rehearsing in their various categories in readiness for the Thursday’s show at Simba Club. 

Cambridge International Examinations
Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music
Association of International Schools in Africa
Council of British International Schools (Compliance Member)
GL Education Assessment Excellence