
Years 7 - 9 continue from the primary framework, although pupils are now taught all subjects by specialized teachers. Progress continues to be regularly tested and ends in the Key Stage 3 SATs at the start of Term 3 in Year 9. During the second term of Year 9, pupils go through the process of selecting their subjects to study in Years 10 & 11. These are called IGCSE’s, (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) and are assessed via our external examinations body, Cambridge International Examinations. All pupils will study English Literature, English Language and Mathematics and pupils will select 6 subjects from the following list making a total of 9 subjects that are studied.

Art & Design French Physics Chemistry Biology
Business Studies ICT History Sociology Geography

On completion of IGCSE exams in Year 11 pupils can then progress to a sixth form either within the Braeburn Group of Schools or externally and with advice from our teachers select the course best suited to each pupil’s ability and career path. The Braeburn Careers and University Advisor is available to assist in these choices.

Cambridge International Examinations
Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music
Association of International Schools in Africa
Council of British International Schools (Compliance Member)
GL Education Assessment Excellence