
The Primary School starts in Year 1 at the age of 5-6 and finishes in Year 6 at age 11. Children in these classes continue to learn through discovery and pupil led learning activities. Pupils receive weekly homework which includes Mathematics and communication work, reading and spelling. They continue to visit the library at least once a week where they develop a love of reading and choose their own books with the assistance of the librarian who will ensure that borrowed books are at the appropriate reading level. This encourages your son or daughter to develop their own personal reading alongside their class based reading scheme. At BKIS we follow the Oxford Reading Tree scheme which allows the children to have fun reading as they follow the antics of Biff and Wilf and various other colourful characters!

In addition to English and Mathematics the pupils’ curriculum takes a more specialized approach as they study Science, Topic (History and Geography), Computing, Art & Design Technology, French,Kiswahili, Music, Religious Education, and Personal Health and Social Education (PHSE).

Pupil’s individual progress is regularly assessed through reading age tests, which occur at the start of the academic year, weekly spelling tests, and regular “Topical Tests” in years 3-6, end of year tests and more formally through National Curriculum (NC) Standardised Assesment Tests (SATs) at the end of Years 2 and 6 which indicate levels of achievement against National Curriculum standards.

Cambridge International Examinations
Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music
Association of International Schools in Africa
Council of British International Schools (Compliance Member)
GL Education Assessment Excellence